CFL SERIES Continuous Level Float Measurement

The CFL Series Continuous Float Level Transmitter uses a plastic float that contains a magnet inside, the linear movement is in direct relation to the liquid level being measured. The movement of the float excites the divider circuit that is located inside of the stem which is then converted into a analog 4-20mA output signal.


  • Wetted materials PP / PVC / PVDF / 316 SS
  • Tank Measurement up to 10 ft High
  • Excellent Chemical Resistance
  • Suitable for corrosive acids / bases
  • Easy Installation
  • Two-wire 4-20mA Output
  • Epoxy Coated Junction Box
  • 2″ NPT Connection
  • Suitable for Corrosive Non-Coating Liquids
  • Temperature max 316SS/140°C , PP/60°C, PVDF/110°C
  • Pressure 75psi


Select the proper float according to the working Temperature / Pressure / Chemical Service

Pressure: The maximum pressure for plastic models is 75 psi / SS float is 580 psi

Viscosity: For viscous liquids, it is recommended to choose a float with a large diameter and low density to overcome the surface tension

Alcohol and Oil etc: 316SS for food industry applications