VTScada Software / Training

In 1986, Glenn Wadden founded Trihedral with two ambitious goals:

1- Create the world’s most capable and reliable HMI and SCADA software.
2 – Provide the kind of outstanding support that people don’t think exists any more.

Since then, Trihedral has been assembling a permanent team of programmers and engineers with diverse backgrounds in process automation and systems integration and created a flexible work environment to encourage creativity and reward initiative. Our corporate culture is to work until the job is done.

For 34 years, this team has been creating and refining Trihedral’s only software product. VTScada software is an instantly intuitive all-in-one HMI and SCADA package for applications of any size in a wide variety of SCADA industries.

  • Instantly Intuitive HMI and SCADA Software

    VTScada provides you with a refreshingly intuitive platform for creating highly-customized industrial monitoring and control applications that end users can trust and use with ease. A wide variety of industries around the world use VTScada for mission-critical applications of every size.

    More than HMI and SCADA Software

    VTScada also natively includes components not commonly found in HMI or SCADA software platforms such as polling management, historian, trends viewer, report generation, application version control, alarm notification, and system backup. You install everything at once in just a few minutes.

    Fully Integrated SCADA Features

    VTScada uses a unique architecture that integrates all core HMI SCADA software features into a single, easy-to-use package. This includes optional components which can be unlocked by simply updating the VTScada software license key. In addition to reducing development time, this ensures that critical SCADA software features like Alarm Notification remains tightly integrated over the entire life of your system. VTScada allows you to easily grow from a few hundred tags on a single laptop all the way up to a multi-million tag system spanning distributed synchronized servers. VTScada Datasheet
  • COVID-19 and VTScada Remote Interactive Training

    For the safety of our customers and staff, we have canceled all in-person training courses until further notice. To ensure access to the training, we are pleased to offer Remote Interactive Training Courses. These are the same as in-person courses, except the instructor is on your screen instead of in the room. See a list of available courses below. A Remote Interactive Training Course includes:
    • A live instructor, not a recording.
    • Interaction with the instructor, just like they were in the room; ask questions whenever you want.
    • The opportunity for one-on-one instruction in the form of breakout rooms during the course. 
    • If you get stuck, you can share your screen with the instructor without worrying about who else is watching. The instructor can even take control for a few minutes to help guide you back on track.
    • At the end of the course, you’ll have access to a recording of the entire session. Review any bits that you missed or need a refresher on. (Breakout rooms and one-on-one sessions are not recorded.)
    • The pace, timing, material, and exercises are all the same as if you were present in a classroom.

    Upcoming Training Courses

    Courses listed below will be updated on demand.  

    Courses listed below will be updated on demand. 

    Sep 21 – Sep 24, 2020 Advanced Configuration Remote Interactive Training Open Please call 905-760-9399 to register
    Dec 7 – Dec 10, 2020 Operation & Configuration Remote Interactive Training Open Please call 905-760-9399 to register

    Courses Descriptions and Materials

    LEVEL I – Operation & Configuration Course

    Operators and developers will learn about the many features of the VTScada monitoring and control software by creating a working, full-featured application from start to finish. This course will explain how to use the native display screens, connect to hardware, build new displays, work with alarms, configure security and much more.  

    LEVEL 2 – Advanced Configuration

      Experienced VTScada developers will learn advanced configuration techniques that allow them to go beyond the standard tools for building their applications. Knowledge of the topics covered in the Operation and Configuration course is recommended for anyone considering this advanced course.

    Request a Course at Your Location

    Contact Larry McLean to request an onsite customized training course.

    Student Course Requirements


    For In-Class Courses

    • A Windows 10® laptop is required. Let us know if you need us to provide one – numbers are limited. See the OS & PC requirements.
    • Travel and lodging arrangements are the responsibility of attendees.
    • Spaces are limited, so please respond as soon as possible.

    For Remote Interactive Training Courses

    • A computer, on which you can install and run VTScada.
    • A reasonably fast internet connection.
    • A workspace where you can focus on the course.
    • A working webcam. (Usually built into your laptop or tablet.) This will make you part of the class, not just a disembodied connection in a list.
    • Headphones or a headset. These are not needed if you’re in a quiet space, or away from co-workers who don’t want to listen to the course broadcast from your computer speakers.
    • A working microphone, either as part of your computer, headset, or webcam.
    • Optional:  A second screen, whether that’s a second monitor, a second laptop or a tablet. This allows you to have the course workbook file and the Remote Interactive Training session open on one screen while doing your exercises on another.
    • If co-workers are attending the class with you, consider using a projector and sharing one set of speakers and a microphone, rather than having everyone run a separate copy of the virtual classroom. This will avoid audio feedback and reduce the load on your network connection. A webcam pointing back at the group is recommended.
    • Ensure that any Bluetooth devices you are using are fully charged.

    Continuing Education Credits

    VTSCADA Operation & Configuration Course is approved for Continuing Ed Credits in the states of Florida, South Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee, as well as the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, and Prince Edward Island.

    Video Tutorials

    Get started using VTScada by checking out Video Tutorials.

    More Information

    • Larry McLean: Email or phone: 866.342.5222 Ext. 236
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