NOSHOK BLOCK & BLEED 2-VALVE NEEDLE VALVES combine isolating and venting in a single valve, eliminating the need for tubing and fittings. The block valve isolates the downstream process fluids, and the bleed valve exhausts upstream fluids enabling instruments to be removed without disturbing the permanent piping installation. The 1/4″ NPT vent plug may be removed and replaced with exhaust piping to direct the fluids to a safe location. The metal-tometal hard seat design is pressure rated to 10,000 psi @ 200 °F and the soft seat design, with a replaceable Delrin® seat, is rated to 6,000 psi @ 200 °F. The all 316 stainless steel blow out proof stem provides greater service life and a secondary stem seal in the full open position. The standard stem seal is below the threads and protects against galling and corrosion.